Saturday, August 31, 2019

Alternative communication system during disaster Essay

PSTN or the public switched telephone network is the prime network responsible for transmitting and receiving voice, fax and data. All government and private offices, police stations, fire stations, hospitals and majority of homes and business places are serviced by the PSTN line. . Amateur Radio operation does not use ground based infrastructure. Moreover these have limited power needs which can easily be met by batteries and generations. Therefore, it has been experienced that Amateur Radio has worked successfully when no other communication worked. A radio wave is an electromagnetic wave propagated by an antenna. The floods in 2004 in Assam and Bihar submerged telephone exchanges and damaged telephone exchanges thereby disrupting roads and railways communication. This is the reason why the district headquarters got totally out off from the state headquarters and neighbouring districts. A major natural disaster or emergency situation like earthquake, cyclone, flood, etc., leaves the public wired and wireless mobile telephone infrastructure damaged and non-functional. This is a transmission towers or disrupted power supply to operate telephone exchanges and cellular transmission towers also affect the radio communication network of police and civil authorities. Satellite based communication systems refer to communication systems designed for users on the earth but have some equipment in space called a satellite. Various jobs such as taking weather pictures or finding accurate positions are amongst the different job performed by different satellites. These are sometimes refered to as COSMAT’s and are essentially radio relay stations in space. Geo-stationary orbit satellites are stationed above the earth at a position around 36000 kms above the equator. The images of weather forecasts and cyclone observations that we see on our television are made with the help of images from weather satellites. A major disaster (flood, earthquake, etc.) or emergency situation affects telephone exchanges and communication networks thereby disconnecting the affected areas from other parts of the world. In such situations, the urgent needs of disaster affected population are not communicated to government authorities, voluntary organizations and other unaffected people. This result in severe loss of human lives, livestock, property etc. This situation calls for reliable alternate communication links, to ensure that the right resources are provided to the right people at the right time. Asynchronous Orbit Satellites – These satellites are positioned in the lowerorbits around the earth. These continuously change their position with respect to the earth. The different kinds of asynchronous orbit satellites are : a) Science satellites: These orbit in altitudes of 4800 to 9700 kms. These send their research data to earth via radio telemetry signals. b) Observation Satellites: These are used for tasks like search and rescue satellites, photography. These act as relay stations to rebroadcast emergency radio-beacon signals from a downed aircraft or ship in trouble. These orbit at altitudes from 480 to 970 kms. c) Global Positioning System Satellites: Orbiting at altitudes of 9600 to 19200 kms, these are used to determine in terms of latitude ad longitude to determine the exact geographic location. The two prime communication networks of government of India are NIC and BSNL. Following are the functions of them: NIC or the National Information Centre, an organization of the Government of India is a premier science and technology organization of the Government of India is a premier science and technology organization in the field of informat ics services and information technology applications. To facilitate information and communication applications in government departments at central, state and districts, it has established a nationwide ICT network i.e. NICNET. The Government has designated NICNET as the Government Network. It has gateway modes in Central Government Departments, 35 state and union territories secretariats and 602 district collect orates of India for IT services. BSNL : The Department of Telephone Operations, Government of India was incorporated on 1st October, 2000 and was named Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited. BSNL is today the largest public sector undertaking in India with a network of over 45 million lines, covering 5000 towns with over 35 million telephone connections, it has become the country’s leading telecommunication company expansion of telecom network, improvement of the quality of telecom in rural areas are some of its major responsibilities.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Diversity And Employee Job Satisfaction In Local Government Education Essay

IntroductionThe theory of representative bureaucratism suggests that organisations perform better if their work forces reflect the features of their constitutional populations ( Andrews, Boyne, Meier, O'Toole, and Walker, 2005 ) . Harmonizing to the U.S. Bureau of the Census Community Survey 2006-2008[ 1 ], U.S. population is going more diverse in Race and Ethnicity, Education, Origins and linguistic communication, etc. It indicates that the constituents of organisational work forces should hold been progressively heterogenous as the development of diverse tendency in entire population. In world, the demographic alterations in the American work force affected by civil rights statute law and affirmatory action plans have so led to unprecedentedly high diverseness or heterogeneousness within organisations ( Choi, 2008 ) . The increasing work force diverseness poses some of the most ambitious inquiries for the direction of public service ( Riccucci, 2002 ) . For illustration, diverse constituents of population and work force bring employees into contact with people who may hold really different racial, instruction, linguistic communication, preparation, accomplishments, functional background, civilizations, and even values. As organisations progressively operate in a transnational and multicultural context, understanding how diverseness in the composing of organisational groups affects results such as satisfaction, creativeness, and turnover will be of increasing importance ( Milliken and Martins, 1996 ) . Although inconsistent on the extent to which increased occupation satisfaction leads to improved public presentation ( Brayfield and Crockett, 1955 ; Petty, McGee, and Cavender, 1984 ; Iaffaldano and Muchinsky, 1985 ) , Petty, McGee, and Cavender ( 1984 ) revealed a strong relationship between occupation satisfaction and public presentation. Furthermore, old surveies besides demonstrated that satisfied employees are more likely to hold lower absenteeism and turnover than those unsated one ( Locke, 1976 ; and Carsten and Spector, 1987 ) . Therefore, to analyze employees ‘ occupation satisfaction is of great important significances. However, the researches on occupation satisfaction either focal point on its impacts on job/organization public presentation, absenteeism and turnover, etc. ( Brayfield and Crockett, 1955 ; Petty, McGee, and Cavender, 1984 ; Iaffaldano and Muchinsky, 1985 ; Locke, 1976 ; and Carsten and Spector, 1987 ) , or other determiners of occupation satisfaction, such as authorization, participative direction, quality of work life, the function of directors, single features, work environment, etc. ( Bruce and Blackburn, 1992 ; Rainey, 1997 ; Kim, 2002 ) . A comparatively little literature appears to hold examined the possible effects of diverseness on employees ‘ occupation satisfaction. Furthermore, among a few surveies seeking to the impacts of diverseness on occupation satisfaction, most concentrate on employees on federal degree ( Choi, 2008 ) , instead than in province or local authorities. Furthermore, old researches step employee occupation satisfaction as a whole, but did n't analyze the impacts of diverseness on employees on different aspects of occupation satisfaction, such as the different impacts on friendliness and aid received in work and on work itself. Besides, the dimensions most surveies used for demographic diverseness include race/ethnicity, instruction, age and sex, and disablement ( Wise, 2000 ; Andrews et Al, 2005 ; Pitts, 2005 ; Choi, 2008 ; Pitts, 2009 ) , but few of them use beginnings and linguistic communication as a step of demographic diverseness. However, with the development of globalisation, more and more first coevals immigrants, whose first linguistic communication is non English and is non born in the US. , are going U.S. citizens and attend public sector. A Harmonizing to U.S. Census Bureau Data[ 2 ]released on February 22nd, 2005, the state ‘s nonnative population numbered 34.2 million in 2004, accounting for 12 per centum of the entire U.S. population. This figure is 2.3 per centum higher than it was in 2003. Therefore, a survey on the effects of demographic diverseness of beginnings and linguistic communication on occupation satisfaction is really of import. In add-on, most surveies used inactive informations at one clip point. It could n't reflect the development tendency of demographic features of public employees. This paper aims at researching the development tendency of public employee diverseness and the impacts of demographic diverseness of local authorities on affectional results, occupation satisfaction ( Figure 1 ) , through a ten-year period. How different dimensions of demographic diverseness, such as race/ethnicity, instruction, gender, beginnings, linguistic communication, and instruction, affect employees ‘ occupation satisfaction? What ‘s the disagreement of the impacts of demographic diverseness on different facets of occupation satisfaction? First, I review the old literature on diverseness concentrating on five of import demographic dimensions of diversity-race/ethnicity, beginnings, first linguistic communication, gender, instruction, and occupation satisfaction. In the following subdivision, I explore the theoretical model and present hypotheses of diverseness and its impact on different aspects of occupation satisfaction. In the last subdivision, I discuss resear ch design/methodology.Figure 1 Diversity and Job Satisfaction in Local GovernmentDevelopment and AchievementDemographic DiversityRace/EthnicityBeginningsFirst LanguageGenderEducationEducationJob SatisfactionFriendliness and Assistance received RrRaceLiterature ReviewDiversenessThe term diverseness frequently provokes intense emotional reactions from people who, possibly, have come to tie in the word with thoughts such as â€Å" affirmatory action † and â€Å" hiring quotas † ; yet it is a word that merely means â€Å" assortment † or a â€Å" point or regard in which things differ † ( Milliken and Martins, 1996 ) . Actually, demographic diverseness refers to â€Å" the grade to which a unit ( e.g. , a work group or organisation ) is heterogenous with regard to demographic properties, † such as race/ethnicity, sex, age, organisational term of office, and societal position ( Choi, 2008 ) . This survey limits its treatment to four demographic dimensions-race/ethnicity, beginnings, linguistic communication, and gender. Some bookmans have developed several attacks to categorise assorted dimensions of diverseness ( e.g. , Cummings, Zhou, and Oldham 1993 ; Jackson 1992 ; Jackson, May, and Whitney 1995 ; Maznevski 1994 ; Milliken and Martins 1996 ; Tsui, Egan, and O'Reilly 1992 ) . One common differentiation is between diverseness on discernible or readily noticeable properties such as race or ethnicity, age, or gender, and diverseness with regard to less seeable or underlying properties such as instruction, proficient abilities, functional background, term of office in the organisation, or socioeconomic background, personality features, or values ( Cummings et al. , 1993 ; Jackson et al. , 1995 ; Tsui et al. , 1992 ) . Harmonizing the above classification, race/ethnicity, beginnings, gender, and first linguistic communication should be included into discernible properties ; instruction should be considered as implicit in properties.Job SatisfactionEmployees ‘ satisfaction with their occupations is an of import standard for rating organisational effectivity ( Choi, 2008 ) . Harmonizing to Hoppock ( 1935: 47 ) , occupation satisfaction is any combination of physiological, psychological, and environmental fortunes that causes a individual truthfully to state, â€Å" I am satisfied with my occupation † . Most common definitions are those that assume being of demands ( in changing signifiers ) and by and large view occupation satisfaction as ensuing from the tantrum between these single demands and the occupation and its environment ( Hopkins, 1983 ) . However, Lock ( 1969 ) rejected the construct of demands and defined occupation satisfaction as the enjoyable emotional province ensuing from satisfaction or satisfaction about one ‘s occupation. The interaction of one ‘s values and one ‘s perceptual experiences of the occupation and its environment are two chief causes of occupation satisfaction. In this survey, I chiefly rely on a modified need-satisfac tion theoretical account, which combines single demands and work environment. There are two basic ways of mensurating occupation satisfaction, facet-free and facet-specific steps. It is easy to administrate and understand ( Kalleberg, 1974 ) , and it correlates extremely with more complex measurings of occupation satisfaction to utilize facet-free attack ( Robinson, Athanasious, and Head, 1969 ) . In the procedure of reacting to facet-free inquiries, employees tend to supply their ain agencies of summarize a assortment of different facets of their occupation into a individual reply ( Johns, 1980 ) . However, this attack has been badly criticized for a figure of grounds ( Hopkins, 1983 ) . Most significantly, occupation satisfaction is one-dimensional and multidimensional instead than a individual dimension ( Kalleberg, 1974 ) . One general inquiry could n't mensurate all facets of a occupation. However, facet-specific occupation satisfaction steps ask the respondent to measure his/her satisfaction with a series of occupation aspects. And faceted measuring is advantageous in that it coincides with the multidimensional character of occupation satisfaction, provides comparison across the respondents, and permits a grade of control and way by the research worker ( Hopkins, 1983 ) . In old researches, there are 23 aspects studied ( Hopkins, 1983 ) . In this survey, 21 aspects will be used except salary aspect and I categorize the 21 aspects into three facets: friendliness and aid received in work ; development and accomplishment ; and work itself. Friendliness and aid received in work, and development and achievement aspect of occupation satisfaction will be used to prove the research inquiry.Theoretical Framework and HypothesesPrevious literature has demonstrated that different dimensions of diverseness may take to different effects ( Jackson, Joshi, and Erhardt, 2003 ; Jehn, N orthcraft, and Neale, 1999 ; Milliken and Martins, 1996 ) . Less seeable or implicit in properties may supply a wide scope of thoughts, accomplishments, and penetrations, and finally consequences in organisational public presentation betterment by increasing organisation ‘s creativeness and problem-solving capablenesss ( Cox, 1993 ) . To increase organisation ‘s creativeness and problem-solving capablenesss, and contribute to organisation public presentation betterment is a important foundation and step to single development and accomplishment. Therefore, underlying properties is assumed to be positively related to development and achievement aspect of employees ‘ occupation satisfaction. H1: Education diverse is positively related to development and achievement aspect of employee occupation satisfaction. However, discernible properties, such as demographic backgrounds, may take to high degrees of emotional struggles between persons in organisations. Heterogeneous groups may besides see a deficiency of communicating or miscommunication, disenabling struggle, and the load of the high costs of coordination and declaration of struggles ( Jehn, Northcraft, and Neale, 1999 ) . Harmonizing to Byrne ‘s ( 1971 ) similarity-attraction theory, people prefer interacting with similar others and happen interactions with them easier, positively reenforcing, and more desirable compared with interactions with others who are different. Persons in diverse groups tend to experience less safe and to swear each other less. Lower trust is more likely to take to higher struggles within groups ( Choi, 2008 ) . Furthermore, for employees, who were non born as U.S. citizens and whose first linguistic communication is non English, may hold communicating obstructions with his/her co-worker. This communicating job may impact their development and publicity within the organisation we well, which finally leads to reduced occupation satisfaction. Therefore, discernible properties are supposed to be negatively related to friendliness and assistance received aspect of occupation satisfaction: H2: Race/Ethnicity diverse is negatively related to friendliness and assistance received aspect of employee occupation satisfaction. H3: Origin diverse is negatively related to friendliness and assistance received aspect of employee occupation satisfaction. H4: Gender diverse is negatively related to friendliness and assistance received aspect of employee occupation satisfaction. H5: Language diverse is negatively related to friendliness and assistance received aspect of employee occupation satisfaction.Research DesignMeasureDependent Variable: public employees ‘ occupation satisfaction is measured by two dimensions, friendliness and aid received from work and development and accomplishment. It is measured on single degree based on responses to relevant study and interview inquiries. Friendliness and aid received could be measured by the undermentioned inquiries: Opportunity to do friends Friendliness and helpfulness of colleagues Enough aid and equipment to acquire the occupation done Development and accomplishment could be measured by the undermentioned inquiries: Opportunity for publicities Opportunity to develop particular abilities Independent Variable: discernible and implicit in properties of diverseness of public employees in local authorities in NJ. In recent old ages, three sorts of diverseness steps have been used most often: the coefficient of fluctuation, the Blau ‘s index of heterogeneousness, and the entropy index of diverseness ( Choi, 2008 ) . In this survey, the degrees of each bureau ‘s demographic diversity-race/ethnicity, beginnings, gender, first linguistic communication, and education-are calculated through the Blau ‘s index of heterogeneousness or Entropy index of diverseness, which are appropriate for categorical variables, instead than the coefficient of fluctuation, which is proper for uninterrupted variables. The concluding choice between the Blau ‘s index of heterogeneousness and Entropy index of diverseness depends on the information collected and informations analysis consequences. Race/Ethnicity is classified into five groups: White ; Black or African American ; Asian ; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander ; and Others, based on the U.S. Bureau of Census ‘s classification. Beginning is classified into two groups: born naturalized as a U.S. citizen and foreign born non U.S. citizen, based on the U.S. Bureau of Census ‘s classification. Gender of public employee in local authoritiess includes both male and female. First Language is categorized into five groups: English ; Spanish or Spanish Creole ; Other Indo-germanic Languages ; Asian and Pacific Island Languages ; and Other Languages, based on the U.S. Bureau of Census ‘s classification. Education is measured by two indexs. The first index is to mensurate the diverseness in instruction degree. The diverseness in instruction degree is categorized into six groups: less than high school alumnus ; high school alumnus ; some college or associate ‘s grade ; unmarried man ‘s grade ; maestro ‘s grade ; Ph.D. grade. The 2nd index is to mensurate the diverseness in major. It is categorized into nine groups: societal scientific discipline and humanistic disciplines ; public personal businesss ; library and information ; concern ; instruction ; jurisprudence ; technology ; medical scientific discipline ; and others. Control Variable: there are some other variables are supposed to hold important impacts on public employees ‘ occupation satisfaction, harmonizing to old research. Those factors include employee place term of office, age, organisation population, city/township population, etc.DatasA assorted research method will be used to analyze the research inquiry and hypotheses. I plan to roll up ten-year period ( 2000-2009 ) information in employee race, gender, instruction, beginnings, first linguistic communication, and occupation satisfaction from each local authorities in New Jersey, utilizing unnoticeable resources, study, and single interview. The ground for roll uping informations in ten-year period is foremost to track the tendency of the employee demographic constituents in local authorities in NJ during the past 10 old ages, and to mensurate whether diverseness is a apparent character of local public employee in NJ. Second, I want to prove the alteration of demographic factors à ¢â‚¬Ëœ impacts on occupation satisfaction, instead than a inactive consequence at one clip point, because it is supposed that the demographic characters of local public employees are changed to be more diverse. Unobtrusive resources: Archive and Official Documentation to roll up public employees ‘ demographic constituents, including race, instruction, gender, beginnings, and first linguistic communication, in each city/township authorities in NJ during the past 10 old ages. Based on this information, descriptive statistics could be used to depict the development tendency of employee demographic factors. Survey and Sample: I will carry on a mail study to roll up occupation satisfaction informations. 10 % employees from each city/township authorities will be indiscriminately selected and the questionnaire will be sent to them. In order to guarantee a good respondent rate, I will carry on a three-round study. The follow-up study may be conducted by phone or electronic mail. Semi-Structured Individual Interview: in-depth informations is needed to unearth some deep information. The chief content of single interview is to look into employees ‘ occupation satisfaction and how diverse on the job environment affect their occupation satisfaction. What are the most of import factors that impact their occupation satisfaction? What are the employees ‘ perceptual experiences or suggestion sing to diversity direction?Datas AnalysisAbove all, content analysis will be used to analyze written paperss. Contented analysis is â€Å" any technique for doing illations by consistently and objectively placing particular features of messages † ( Holsti, 1968 ) . First, is to make up one's mind the degrees and units of paperss analysis. Sampling may happen at any or all of the undermentioned degrees: words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs, subdivisions, chapters, and books. Second, is to unite content analytic elements, and coding. Coding frames are used to f orm the informations and place findings after unfastened cryptography has been completed. The whole procedure is to split gathered archive and certification informations and make full them into five independent variables. For some quantitative informations, occupation satisfaction study informations are Likert Scale informations, 5 graduated tables. Recode each factor to do certain every inquiry and information is in the same way from 1 ( strongly dissatisfaction ) to 5 ( strongly satisfaction ) . Mean score higher than 3 is considered satisfaction, and lower than 2 is considered dissatisfaction. Furthermore, descriptive statistics is used to cipher mean, media, standard divergence, standard mistake of collected informations, including certification, study, and interview informations. For The documentation/archive information is a pooled information in 10 old ages. To compare informations in different twelvemonth, we can reason whether the constituent of employee in local authorities is more and more diverse. What ‘s the development tendency, to rush up or decelerate down? If it is necessary, Cronbach ‘s Alpha can be used to prove measuring dependability before making index variables. Multiple arrested development could be used to prove the significance degree and coefficient of correlativity between demographic diverseness and employees ‘ occupation satisfaction. Meanwhile, Variance rising prices factor ( VIF ) can be used to prove whether there is multicollinearity job and Breusch-Pagan trial is used to analyze whether the theoretical account has heteroskedasticity job or non. Some package plans may be utile to analyse informations, for illustration SPSS, Office Excel, and Stata. The analysing package should including the undermentioned maps: word processors, text retrievers, textbase directors, code-and-retrieve plans, code-based theory builders, and conceptual network-builders.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

English Football and Its Economy

Introduction In English 92 professional football clubs are registered in 4 divisions. There are 20 clubs in the Premiership League, which is the first division league, below Premiership League, there is a League called Championship League, which is the second division league and there are 24 teams, the third division league is called League One even though it is not the first division and there are also 24 clubs, and the bottom league is called League Two and 24 teams are registered. Today, it is said that the English Premiership League is the wealthiest league in the world. If you are football lover Roman Abramovich is the name you would certainly know, who is one of the most famous owners in England or even in the world. He was named Person of the Year in 2003, and now he is ninth richest person in Russia and fifty-third richest in the world. He is estimated to have had invested in Chelsea Football Club more than 440 million pounds since he took over in June 2003 until January 2006. Moreover, Abramovich spent 50 million pounds for a record British transfer fee on Spanish footballer Fernando Torres in January this year. There was also big takeover of the club ownership in August 2008. Manchester City Football Club was purchased by Abu Dhabi United Group who is a United Arab equity company owned by Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan, member of the Abu Dhabi Royal Family and Minister of Presidential Affairs for the UAE. After the takeover they immediately signed high profile players such as Robinho for a British record of 32. 5 million pounds at that time. Following year Manchester City spent more than 100 million pounds on players. For one of the most famous football club Manchester United Football Club, they are ranked the third richest football club in the world. English football is not all about money. Of course the quality of football is undoubtedly at the top level but what is making English football more exciting is football fans in England. It is said that the football fans are very passionate and fanatical. On the other hand, their excessive passion towards their local football club sometimes make things very dangerous. Their excessive acts eventually lead to hooliganism. 1985, there was a controversial incident in Brussels when Liverpool Football Club played against Italian team Juventus in Champions League, and 39 people were killed and 400 people were injured in this tragedy. In this case study, we will look deep into the economy of major football clubs such as Chelsea and Manchester United as well as Manchester City. We will also look into history of hooliganism. Introduction of Professional English Football As it is briefly explained in Introduction, Professional English Football League is formed with ninety-two clubs divided in four leagues. There are twenty teams in the top league, English Premiership, the Premiership clubs are as follow: Arsenal Football Club, Aston Villa Football Club, Blackburn Rovers Football Club, Bolton Wanderers Football Club, Chelsea Football Club, Everton Football Club, Fulham Football Club, Liverpool Football Club, Manchester City Football Club, Manchester United Football Club, Newcastle United Football Club, Norwich City Football Club, Queen’s Park Rangers Football Club, Stoke City Football Club, Sunderland Association Football Club, Swansea City Football Club, Tottenham Hotspur Football Club, West Bromwich Albion Football Club, Wigan Athletic Football Club, and Wolverhampton Wanderers Manchester United won the league in 10-11 season. On the other hand, there was an intense relegation battle in Premiership League. In Premiership League regulation, three teams automatically go down to the league below, which is Championship League. Bottom three of season 10-11 were West Ham United Football Club, Blackpool Football Club, and Birmingham City Football Club For the Championship League, there are twenty-four teams, the teams who belong to Championship League season 11-12 are: Barnsley Football Club, Birmingham City Football Club, Black Pool Football Club, Brighton & Hove Albion Football Club, Bristol City Football Club, Burnley Football Club, Cardiff City Football Club, Coventry City Football Club, Crystal Palace Football Club, Derby County Football Club, Doncaster Rovers Football Club, Hull City Football Club, Ipswich Town Football Club, Leeds United Football Club, Leicester City Football Club, Middlesbrough Football Club, Millwall Football Club, Nottingham Forest Football Club, Peterborough United Football Club, Portsmouth Football Club, Reading Football Club, Southampton Football Club, Watford Football Club, and West Ham United Football Club For the League 1, there are also twenty-four teams, the teams in League 1 are: Association Football Club Bournemouth, Brentford Football Club, Bury Football Club, Carlisle United Football Club, Charlton Athletic Football Club, Chesterfield Football Club, Colchester United Football Club, Exeter City Football Club, Hartlepool United Football Club, Huddersfield Town Football Club, Leyton Orient Football Club, Milton Keynes Dons Football Club, Notts County Football Club, Oldham Athletic Association Football Club, Preston North End Football Club, Rochdale Association Football Club, Scunthorpe United Football Club, Sheffield United Football Club, Sheffield Wednesday Football Club, Stevenage Football Club, Tranmere Rovers Football Club, Walsall Football Club, Wycombe Wanderers Football Club, and Yeovil Town Football Club For the League 2, again, there are also twenty-four teams, the teams in the League 2 are: Association Football Club Wimbledon, Accrington Stanley Football Club, Aldershot Town Football Club, Barnet Football Club, Bradford City Association Football Clu b, Bristol Rovers Football Club, Burton Albion Football Club, Cheltenham Town Football Club, Crawley Town Football Club, Crewe Alexandra Football Club, Dagenham & Redbridge Football Club, Gillingham Football Club, Hereford United Football Club, Macclesfield Town Football Club, Morecambe Football Club, Northampton Town Football Club, Oxford United Football Club, Plymouth Argyle Football Club, Port Vale Football Club, Rotherham United Football Club, Shrewsbury Town Football Club, Southend United Football Club, Swindon Town Football Club, and Torquay United Football Club History Of Hooliganism in football The hooliganism in football is said to be first introduced around 1960’s. Historical hooligans were called â€Å"roughs†. They caused trouble at matches throughout the 19th century. Some extreme cases the roughs attacked referees and visiting players. In the 60’s football as a sport began to get more media attention, so did the fights and disorder. In the 60’s hooligans were more organized than it is today. We do not see outrageous incident frequently nowadays. European Cup final in 1985, when Liverpool against Italian side Juventus at Heysel Stadium in Brussels, Belgium, 39 fans mostly Italian were killed. English clubs were banned from participating in European Cup for five years, and Liverpool were initially banned for 10 years but later reduced to six years. 14 of Liverpool fans received conviction for involuntary manslaughter. What Makes A Person Hooligan Name of hooligan is said to come from the Irish word â€Å"houlie†, which means a wild and spirited party. Definition of hooligans is quite vague, this is because the word â€Å"hooligan† was created by media in 60's. On the dictionary, it is stated â€Å"rough and lawless youth†. However, this statement does not really explain who the hooligans are in football. Hooligans come to watch the game with extremely strong local prides. This kind of extreme fans does not appreciate away fans to come in to their local territories. Hooligans usually have strong feelings towards their supporting club. On top of that, hooligans love and enjoy to be involved in football disorder that they come to matches with intention of riot, which they think it cool to do. Most of the times, the incidents happen before or after the matches on the street or in pubs. There are three types of hooligans: 1. Hooligans who come to a match with intention of vandalizing. 2. Hooligans who do not make themselves get involved in actual violence but set up commotion. 3. Hooligans who do not start a riot by themselves but get involved in a riot by seeing others are doing so. From our point of view, hooligans are who disrupt the peace of matches and vandalize both away fans and policemen, and properties around and inside the stadium such as cars, pubs, and houses. In terms of organized violence between hooligan gangs, a feeling of community, tribalism, and enjoyment of being involved in disorder are obviously in evidence. Can The Football Hooliganism Be Defeated The approach taken by the British authorities to reducing football hooliganism has been largely reactive: Increasing sophisticated policing, surveillance and monitoring techniques, segregation of fans, and restriction on alcohol etc. The British Government has also introduced specific legislation to cover acts of hooliganism. While such measures are evident elsewhere in Europe, the German, Dutch, and Belgian authorities, in particular, have been more proactive in their approach to the problem. The development of a scheme called â€Å"fan’s coaching† appears to have had an impact on levels of violence in certain areas. There is, however, a general lack of initiative from the major football clubs in Europe. While German clubs are involved to an extent in the â€Å"fan coaching† schemes, elsewhere there is little contact between club officials and the fan groups. For instance, Urawa Reds have a strong bond between club officials and supporters. It is suggested that local â€Å"fan’s forums†, which allow genuine dialogue between officials and supporters may help to reduce some of the problems. Causes Football hooliganism and the ‘ultras’ movement are too complex to be attributed to one cause only, yet there are several ways that lead down the path of violence. Most hooligan organizations are located in poor neighborhoods, where people have less opportunity for entertainment and they choose to go to football matches. Troubled with their lives, they prefer to spill their rage and anger on the pitch and on the stands instead of try and work on achieving more. A common cause for hooliganism in the past was alcohol but nowadays no professional club allows any kind of alcohol to be sold at the stadium or in a radius of several hundred meters. Another reason while people go wild during football games is city rivalries. The so-called derbies are often filled with a lot of excitement and tension and the losing team’s supporters are not happy to see their team sink. There are also organized gangs called football firms that go to matches with the single purpose of fighting with other firms from the city rivals. Conclusion English football industry is very active in terms of the movement of money on players’ transfers. As it has been mentioned, after the take-over of Manchester City Football Club in 2008, Abu Dhabi United Group has invested more than 44o million pounds on players. For the first transfer window, which was in summer 2008 after the take-over, Manchester City spent almost 79 million pounds. Following summer they spent almost twice as much of 120 million pounds. Last summer they spent around 90 million pounds. Having been taken over Manchester City have been better and better as a team. They finished 3rd last season, which means they are qualified to play at Champions League. The Background of Chelsea Football Club seem to be similar to Manchester City. Chelsea were purchased by Roman Abramovich who is a Russian Billionaire. Since the take-over in June 2003, Abramovich is estimated to have spent about 475 million pounds. On the first season for Abramovich Chelsea finished second in Premiership, and they concrete themselves as regular in top three. Next season Chelsea won the first league champion honour under new owner within two seasons. After the take-over by Abrmovich Chelsea have won three champion titles in total and they compete in Champions League every year. Unlike these two clubs, Arsenal have different kind of ownership. Arsenal’s parent company, Arsenal Holdings plc, operate as non-quoted public limited company. They have comparatively small amount of budget they can use on transfers. Each season Arsenal has been spending 10 million pounds. However, Arsenal is undoubtedly successful in terms of quality of football and players. The reason for this is that Arsenal have good eyes on prospective young players. Arsenal have been successful on players without investing enormous amount of money to win the title. Thiery Henry, Cesc Fabregas, and Jack Willshere are all grew under Arsenal manager Arsene Weger. In 03-04 season they managed to win the title, but one game at either Premiership or Champions League, starting players were all foreign players from outside the U. K. They had good young talents but from outside home country. There may be impression if the club is wealthy they can buy star players and they can eventually win the league. Like Manchester City and Chelsea they have been successful on transfers, they can relatively buy any player unless players’ attached clubs refuse to negotiate. However, before it was only Chelsea who used to be rich as a club many expensive players went to Chelsea because of high salary but today, after Manchester City’s take-over Chelsea and Manchester city seem to be in competition. There are also other foreign owners in Premiership, for instance, Aston Villa is now in hand of Randy Lerner who is also the owner of American Football team in America. Liverpool was also sold to New England Sports Ventures. Premiership seems such an attractive field in terms of business for foreigners. On the other hand, there are many clubs that go into administration. Crystal Palace and Portsmouth are the good example. Portsmouth went into administration during 09-10 season they were deducted nine points. Crystal Palace also went into administration last year and deducted ten points from Championship League. Premiership is said to be the richest League in the world, however, at the same time there is always a chance to fail big time as well. Media is always on hoe the money is moving within football field, but we have to see football substantially and know football is not all about money. Hooliganism Conclusion We have learned that many clubs are taking actions to combat this problem. This may be because if the supporters cause some incidents, destroy properties and injure people, that club will be heavily fined, and for the worst case, they would be banned to participate in a competition. As I have mentioned earlier, 1960’s was the peak of football hooliganism. It can be seen that actions taken by clubs has been successful, however, it is still difficult to zero the hooligans. Hooliganism is a part of the culture for British in particular. Furthermore, as long as the exaggerated media report this extent of football disorder excessively, there would still be people who will be influenced by it.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Anthropology. write an essay (3000 words maximum) on the development

Anthropology. write an (3000 words maximum) on the development of writing - Essay Example One of the oldest written references to King Solomon’s Temple is in form of inscription on a slice of clay. There are different types of writing systems which include logography, syllabaries, alphabets and featured scripts. The grapheme which represents a word or morpheme is called a logograph. They are commonly known as hieroglyphics. However, hieroglyphics represent ideas more than words (Brown, 1998: Pg 63). They are visual symbols rather than phonemes. All logographic scripts rely on the principle of rebus. This writing system includes Logoconsonantal scripts and logosyllabic scripts. It is a set of symbols that represents syllables. It is phonetic system of writing. Syllabaries are best suited to language with basic syllable structure, for example Japanese (Carter, 1984: Pg 123). Normally it is made of a consonant and a vowel or just a single vowel. The Inuktitut orientation the symbols are used to indentify vowels and small symbols are used to write syllable consonants. Alphabets can be defined as small set of symbols, each one historically represents phoneme of a particular language. A perfect phonological alphabet is the one in which letters correspond perfectly in different directions (Christin, 2002: Pg 87). Writers can predict the spelling of a word easily provided its pronunciation is given. Many languages often evolve of their writing systems and similarly the writing system have been borrowed other systems from different languages. The extent to which letters of an alphabet correspond with the phonemes varies from one language system to another. The featured scripts are the building blocks of phonemes which make up a language. For example the sound pronounced with lips can have some elements in common. It represents finer details than an alphabet. The history of written communication follows the path of civilization which in turn, moves in reaction to changing cultural norms. The transfer of information and

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Answer the question Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Answer the question - Assignment Example The Declaration of Independence that proclaimed that all humans were equal in the new nation, became a motivation for the Black people to claim their equality (Hine, Hine and Harrold, 80). The Black leaders started to point out that the principles of the new nation were â€Å"incompatible with slavery† (Hine, Hine and Harrold, 81). This response showed that Black people were gradually absorbing the enlightenment values and they saw the War and independence of the nation as the way ahead to attain equality and freedom (Hine, Hine and Harrold, 77-95). 2. In 1775, the first anti-slavery association was formed in the North with Benjamin Franklin as its president (Hine, Hine and Harrold, 101). Such societies spread across the nation soon and all of them together formed a loose network as well, the American Convention for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery and Improving the Condition of the African Race (Hine, Hine and Harrold, 101). In the Upper-South, on the other hand, â€Å"manumission, self-purchase and freedom suits† resulted in the formation of the early free Black communities (Hine, Hine and Harrold, 103). Free Black communities gradually emerged in Philadelphia, Baltimore, Newport, Richmond, Norfolk, New York etc. (Hine, Hine and Harrold, 107). The earliest Black institutions were mutual aid societies providing charitable support to Black people, among which Free African Society and black Freemasons stood out (Hine, Hine and Harrold, 107). Then the Black churches and schools evolved (Hine, Hine and Harrold, 110-115). 3. As early as from â€Å"mid-1600s†, there were a few African American slave owners in America (Hine, Hine and Harrold, 128). Most of them had become slave owners â€Å"to protect their families from sale and disruption† (Hine, Hine and Harrold, 128). Sometimes to protect a relative from forced migration, a Black man with money would buy his freedom (Hine, Hine and Harrold, 128). These

Is this unlawful discrimination Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Is this unlawful discrimination - Essay Example All employees have equal rights to religion at the workplace. The right to religion should be free and open to all such that one can choose the religion they want to be associated with. The equal employment opportunity act states that no employee should be discriminated based on national origin, sex, race, color, religion, or an employee acting according to his or her rights (Nkomo, Fottler, & McAfee, 2011). Yes Elaine was fired because of religious discrimination as she refused to convert to be a Baptist like other employees and the supervisor. Elaine has the burden of proof I would convict the defendant who is the human resource manager on claims of unlawful discrimination. The plaintiff can show that she was fired based on religious discrimination. The plaintiff can also confirm that she had all the necessary qualification for the job as she had worked for the last six years. And above all Elaine was protected by the equal employee opportunity act of 1972 (Nkomo, Fottler, & McAfee, 2011). This is unlawful discrimination because everyone has a right to freedom of

Monday, August 26, 2019

Should cell phones be allowed on airplanes Essay - 2

Should cell phones be allowed on airplanes - Essay Example Airplanes are very sensitive to signals that are coming into and going out of them. The fact that airplanes can be intercepted by these signals is an alarming issue which must be raised at all fronts. Even more important is the reality that dawns upon everyone – cell phones are the bane as far as airplane flights are concerned. They must be banned at the earliest and allowing the users to communicate or text through them is fatal to the basis of safety whilst being on a flight. The question that arises here is that how would people be able to stay in touch with their near and dear ones, especially when the flights take a lot of time. One shall believe that there is absolutely no substitute for safety of the passengers and nothing should be allowed if it comes in the wake of the same. Hence cell phones due to their dangerous signals and similar transmission issues should be shown the door as far as the airplanes are related. Since airplanes have state of the art technology regimes working in them, it is the responsibility of the airline to ensure that the cell phones are not allowed no matter how difficult the circumstances are or how influential the passengers turn out to be. The rules are the same as far as the usage of cell phones are concerned (Bedord 2008). There have been some airlines which have allowed their passengers to make free use of cell phones but what these airlines are forgetting is the fact that these cell phones can have serious drawbacks on the smooth functioning of the aircrafts as well as the signals which are being sent to the pilot as well as transmitted from his end. A great deal of responsibility rests with the pilots and their crew to ensure that the aircrafts are cell phone-free because this is in the better interest of all and sundry. One of the most important reasons behind avoiding cell phone usage lies in the research that has been conducted thus far. It has been demonstrated that

Sunday, August 25, 2019

What Determines the Level of Interest Rate in the UK And How the Essay

What Determines the Level of Interest Rate in the UK And How the Changes in Interest Rate Affect Economic Growth - Essay Example Most of the monetarist economists argue that monetary policy has a lot of power compared to fiscal policy in as far as inflation control is concerned. Monetary policy also includes changes in exchange rate value due to the fact that currency fluctuation affects macroeconomic activities. Interest rates in the United Kingdom are established by the monetary policy committee of the bank of England according to Cobham (2002). Therefore monetary policy makes a major contribution in determining the level of interest rates. For instance in some countries the monetary authority might possess the power to authorize particular interest rates on loans a well as other financial deals. The monetary policy committee meets regularly to set the relevant interest rates. Monetary policies are defined in two terms that is either expansionary or contractionary. On one hand the expansionary policy increases the economies total money supply in a more rapid rate than usual. Contractionary policy on the othe r hand, expands the supply of money in a slower rate compared to the usual rate or even contracts it. Implementation of Monetary Policy in the UK Monetary policy is usually implemented by either the country’s central bank or reserve bank. ... This is due to the reason that settlement of transactions should take place daily as the business closes and thus banks without sufficient reserves borrow from the Bank of England to meet these obligations. The Bank of England is the only guarantor of such funds and is able to set interest rates in which it provides the funds. In implementing monetary policy the bank passes cost of interest rates to clients in commercial banks inform of interest charges on mortgages as well as other types of loan. If the lending rate also known as dealing rate of the central bank changes, the bank makes an adjustment to their rates of lending. Through the relationship between lending rate and commercial rates, the bank of England is able to influence the interest rates in the market. This way the Bank of England upholds its implementation of the monetary policy. For instance incase inflation increases behold the target rate, the Bank is capable of hiking the lending rate charges on the commercial ban ks. This is usually in an attempt to slow the rate of spending hence bringing back inflation to the right level. According to Richter (2008), the monetary policy of the Bank of England is to provide stability in prices and lower inflation thus supporting the economic objectives of the government including employment. The bank of England has three major tools which they use in implementation of monetary polices. The tools can be used in expanding or contracting supply of funds of the country based on response of the policy to current economic situation. The three tools include: discount rates, open market operation rates and reserve requirements of changing banks. Reserve requirement is one of the tools used in

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Finance Policy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Finance Policy - Assignment Example A business’s financial position is evident from its profit and loss account and the balance sheet. The balance sheet and the profit and loss statement should communicate the appropriate results of the firm to the CEO so that he can make decisions regarding investment. The financial statements of the firm should be made available to all so that they can make their own conclusions from the financial statements with respect to the operations in the firm. It is very important that the financial information provided must be reliable and authentic. The primary objective of my role as CFO is to interpret the firm’s accounts accurately and identify which of the investment methods could benefit the firm in the long as well as the short run. This could be achieved by making appropriate review of the financial statements as well as developing accurate interpretations. This is supposed to benefit the firm and its stakeholders. b) The company can use concise financial report, which consists of Consolidated Income Statement, Statement of Comprehensive Income, Balance Sheet, and Statement of Changes in Equity, Statement of Cash Flows so that all the third party investors and stakeholders could evaluate the firm’s business. ... The taxation requirements of the government should be met with appropriate heads showing profits before tax and profits after tax. Similarly the employees can get an idea about the functioning of the firm by analyzing the financial statements. The creditors and debtors value in the balance sheet along with the bad debts gives a clear understanding about the total debtors and creditors of the firm. The shareholders can understand the way the firm is functioning through the payment of dividends and the return on equity, which is projected in the financial statements. Question 2 a) High dividend policy to the shareholders signifies that the firm is earning high profits and, thus, is paying high dividend to its shareholders. This creates anticipation among the shareholders that the firm will pay them a higher amount of dividend in the next financial year. High dividend also signifies that the portion of debt capital in the firm in comparison to its equity capital is less, which implies t hat the firm has its own financial stability. b) If there are negative profits in the firm then the firm will pay a lesser amount of dividend. If the firm chooses to retain a high portion of its earnings for investment activities, even then the dividend payment will be less. c) High dividend payouts are popular and well appreciated by all the shareholders. But the problem that arises here is that if the firm earns high profits and provides high dividend to its investors in one year and in the next financial year its profit is less comparatively and so it fails to pay high dividends, then the shareholders will be unhappy with the firm. This will affect the bond and relation they have with the firm. As the shareholders are the primary investors in the

Friday, August 23, 2019

Self-reflective Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Self-reflective - Essay Example Otherwise, it is termed as plagiarism. There are numerous styles of writing suited to the individualistic needs and requirements of the forum where the writing is published. Basically, there is a formal and an informal way of writing. The formal way of writing requires the writer to make use of complex words and be very particular about the selection of words, sentence construction and grammar. The informal way of writing provides the writer with more leverage. The writer is free to express his/her emotions in the writing. The informal way of writing is very much like the real life communication we make in the daily life. Full words may be replaced with slangs and there is frequent use of such expressive words as â€Å"hurrah, alas, and wow.† I personally like writing in the informal way more than in the formal way because the former provides me with more room to enrich my argument with emotions as compared to the latter. Every style of writing has a certain way to be organized with. For a paper to be properly organized, it is imperative that there is an introduction with a thesis statement that is the crux of the whole discussion that is to follow. The thesis statement should be short and precise and fully reflective of all aspects of the discussion. Each body paragraph starts with a topic sentence that represents the ideas to be discussed in the respective paragraphs. Ideally, there are three body paragraphs in addition to the introduction and conclusion. The conclusion sums up the argument made in the paper and provides a brief summary of the whole essay. This course helped me polish my writing skills a lot. Before taking this course, I used to be very confused and could not even start. Having taken this course, I have done sufficient practice and learnt enough to write a piece of writing independently. Before, I did not know how to start the paper. I have learnt that when an individual has to write, he/she should

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Organizational Behavior Trends Essay Example for Free

Organizational Behavior Trends Essay Organizational Behavior is the study of what people think, feel, and do in and around organizations. Organizational Culture is the basic pattern of common assumptions, values, and beliefs leading the way employees within an organization think about and act on problems and opportunities. Organizational Trends are patterns of change over time in some variable of interest. In this paper we will evaluate two trends in organizational behavior. The influence of ethics on decision-making and the impact of technology on work-related stress will be examined. Organizational Behavior Trends There are several trends in Organizational Behavior. One trend is globalization, which requires corporate decision makers to be more sensitive to cultural differences as they venture towards a wider variety of employees and clients. Another trend in organizations is the increasingly diverse workforce. Diversity potentially improves decision-making, team performance, and customer service, but it also presents new challenges for the company. The values and ethics of the employees, enable organizations to apply certain principles in a global environment, and are under pressure to abide by the ethical values and higher standards of corporate social responsibility. Ethics on Decision-making Ethics on decision-making is difficult, it is critical for leaders to develop a code of ethics and establish disciplinary actions and procedures for ethical violators. Most importantly, leaders should also develop a process in which employees are rewarded and publicly recognized for having positive ethical behaviors. It is also important to have employee involvement when trying to identify ethical issues. When it comes to the ethics of decision making, the criteria individuals use to define problems and the values that underlie these criteria must be considered. Moral conduct is involved in choosing problems, deciding who should be involved, estimating the impacts of alternatives, and selecting an alternative for implementation. Moral conduct does not arise from after-the-fact embarrassment. (Schermerhorn, Hunt and Osborn, 2005). Overall, ethical decision making, is learning about ethical dilemmas in business and examining the process for identifying common influences in the decision-making process. Once the trends are found, leaders and subordinates must demonstrate and understand how to make an ethical decision in which all possible solutions are attempted equally and without any judgment. Impact of Technology on Work-Related Stress Work-related stress can be defined as a pattern of emotional, cognitive, behavioral and physiological reactions to adverse and noxious aspects of work content, work organization and work environment. It is a state characterized by high levels of arousal and distress and often by feelings of not coping. (www. eiro. eurofound) Work-related stress is a serious issue at many companies. People should be aware of their stress levels and communicate stressful situations to their employer before stress develops into a problem. For this to happen, employers need to ensure that the organizational culture is one in which employees can openly and comfortably talk about work-related stress without any repercussion. There are many components that make up stress. With the world of technology racing news and information around the world as quick as we can blink, many more organizations are becoming sophisticated in applying information technologies. Nobel Laureate and decision scientist Herbert Simon is convinced that computers will someday be more intelligent than humans. Schermerhorn, Hunt and Osborn, 2005) How does that make you feel knowing that one-day a computer could replace your job? There are always two sides to any debate; the one on stress is no exception. Is being stressed a sign of weakness within your job indicating that you can no longer handle it or is being stressed a sign of an effective working behavior of getting the job done? There are many employers that want to support their staff to the hig hest level that can be offered but resources and effective training is sometimes limited. As a result, many employees are stressed. The use of technology is needed in all businesses and with this advanced technology some organizations rely heavily it. I know that with the computer system we have at our organization it makes it much easier and less stressful for us. Maybe someone who is not proficient with computers would become stressful to the new system, but for the most part I think technology has a positive impact on work-related stress. Conclusion In conclusion, the influence of ethics on decision-making and the impact of technologies on work-related stress are only two components of many in organizational behavior. With so many changes to how one must work and the many difficult decisions that have to be made according to your organizations ethics only. I personally think that as companies evolve, the employees must chose to either evolve with it or take another course of action to make life stress-free.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Patient Safety Movement Essay Example for Free

The Patient Safety Movement Essay According to (2013), over 200,000 patients die each year due to preventable causes. This is more than the number of deaths from lung, breast and prostate cancer combined. With such a high number of patients at risk of preventable death, the idea of patient safety moved to the forefront of medical discussions in the early 1990’s with the release of the Institute of Medicine’s report To Err is Human. The report brought to light the issues of patient safety and the errors occurring every day in medical facilities across the country. Patient safety as defined by the Institute of Medicine is simply stated as having â€Å"freedom from accidental injury† ( Patient safety is now considered a healthcare discipline concerned with reporting, preventing and analyzing adverse events in an effort to reduce or eliminate errors leading to undesirable patient outcomes. Some of the most common medical errors affecting patient safety are wrong site surgery, medication errors, and health care acquired infections. Other causes of medical errors are not directly related to â€Å"touching† the patient. These errors include hand-off communications, illegible handwriting, and poor coordination of care. Wrong site surgeries include operating on the wrong part of the body, performing the wrong operation, or operating on the wrong patient. While wrong site surgery is rare, (from 1995-2010, the Joint Commission received reports of 956 wrong site surgeries), it is probably one of the most preventable injuries affecting patient safety (National Patient Safety Foundation, 2014). Medication errors occur if a patient receives the wrong medication or if the patient receives the right medication in the wrong dose or wrong form. One of the most common errors facing the patient safety movement today, the Institute of Medicine estimates medication errors affect over 1.5 million Americans each year (NPSF, 2014). Health care acquired infections are infections occurring in patients while being treated for other medical conditions. These infections can be acquired while being treated in or out  of a hospital setting. Each year in the United States, approximately 1 in 20 patients contract a health care acquired infection. Errors in patient hand-off communications account for an estimated 80 percent of serious medical errors (, 2014). A lack of effective communication is responsible for these avoidable adverse events. Illegible handwriting leads to the misinterpretation of physician orders and has led to medication and treatment errors. Patients are at risk for error whenever more than one healthcare provider is involved in their care. Not all providers may have had access to the same information and this lack of coordination of care can result in medical error. In order to develop a patient safety culture in healthcare institutions across the country, several groups were created or formed to outline new patient safety initiatives as well as define the actions both providers and patients can take to prevent medical injuries due to preventable errors. One such group, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, (AHRQ), â€Å"is a home to research centers that specialize in major areas of healthcare research such as quality improvement and patient safety . . . and delivery systems (Pozgar, 2012, p. 541). The AHRQ is charged with the following initiatives: 1. Identify the causes of preventable health care errors and patient injury in health care delivery. 2. Develop, demonstrate, and evaluate strategies for reducing errors and improving patient safety. 3. Disseminate such effective strategies throughout the health care industry. As the AHRQ works to meet its initiatives, other groups such as the National Patient Safety Foundation establish action plans to address the challenge of eliminating medical errors. For example, in 2013, the foundation addressed nine areas in which patient safety errors occur and how these errors could be eliminated by following a well-developed plan. Included in those nine areas were medication errors, hand-off communication errors, and healthcare associated infections ( Other results of the patient safety movement include the way patients are identified. For example, two patient identifiers are used prior to providing patient care. These identifiers may include a patient’s name or date of birth. These identifiers are then matched to the patient record thereby ensuring treatment is provided to the right person. Many providers and facilities  have strict infection control guidelines including the use of hand washing and proper use of PPE (personal protective equipment), such as gowns, gloves, and masks. Other changes relate to the elimination of medication errors. For example, look alike or sound alike drugs are kept separated or repackaged in pharmacies to prevent giving a patient incorrect medications. In order to prevent wrong site surgeries, both the physician and the patient are involved in clearly marking the site prior to surgery as well as verbal communication between physician and patient as to the surgical site and what type of surgery the patient is about to undergo. Other safety actions include the members of the surgical team taking a â€Å"time-out† prior to surgery to confirm the correct patient, correct site, and correct procedure (Pozgar, 2012). Another initiative began in 2005, when Dr. Donald Berwick and the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, (IHI) created a ca mpaign to save 100,000 lives (Levin, 2005, p. 94). â€Å"The campaign aims to enlist at least 1,500 hospitals across the United States to commit to six key evidence-based, safety and quality improvements that have the potential to save 100,000 lives over the next 18 months—and beyond† (Levin, 2005, p. 95). The six key-evidenced based improvements are 1. Rapid Response Teams. 2. Prevention of Central Line associated bloodstream infections. 3. Prevention of surgical site infections. 4. Prevention of adverse drug events. 5. Improved care for acute MI. 6. Prevention of ventilator associated pneumonia. Dr. Berwick and the IHI believed that this initiative could be successful at preventing patient medical errors and result in an unknown number of saved lives. The overall goal of all groups involved in the patient safety movement is to improve the quality of patient care through system improvement, education, and shared experiences to reduce the risk of medical error. Unfortunately, the goals of the patient safety movement and the current tort system do not go hand in hand. While the patient safety movement encourages open communication regarding patient medical errors, the risk of litigation causes many healthcare providers and institutions to remain silent regarding patient medical errors. In order to avoid lawsuits, many physicians practice â€Å"defensive medicine,† which can actually increase the risk of patient medical errors resulting in malpractice lawsuits. Some tort reforms have shown to be somewhat successful in reducing the overall cost of liability by keeping insurance premiums lower, keeping physicians in  practice, and capping the amount of damages paid to patients. However, while these reforms may have reduced the financial burden on healthcare providers, they do little to support the patient safety movement. The most widely cited concerns about the medical liability system relate to the systems impact on costs and access to liability coverage, its impact on patients safety, and the administrative burden of litigation. According to AHRQ, in order to address these concerns, the following reforms have been discussed: Full disclosure/early offer programs. Certificate of merit programs. Caps on damage awards, periodic interim payment rules, joint and several liability reforms, collateral source rule reform, and the abolishing of punitive damages. Pre-trial screening panels. Health courts Patient safety is one of the primary goals of reform efforts that focus on programs that promote full disclosure, early offers, and the collection and analyses of the root causes of medical errors (AHRQ, 2010). As with all movements, the patient safety movement is not without its critics. One criticism of the movement deals with physician burnout. The patient safety movement includes many new initiatives aimed at improving patient safety. Each of these new initiatives takes time to understand and implement in order to have the desired outcome. Unfortunately, many providers are faced with learning these initiatives on top of an already full day of patient care. Most facilities have not built in the time required to learn, understand, and implement new initiatives. At the time the IOM published the To Err is Human report, many in the healthcare field questioned the numbers revealed in the study as well as contending that the information in the report would focus undue attention on accidental deaths and prevent limited resources from being directed at other important quality improvement initiatives. Other critics do not agree with the focus on involving patients in their own care, believing that if a patient is already sick and in the hospital, the patient should not have the additional burden of making sure they are receiving the right medicine at the right time, etc. Whether a supporter or critic of the patient safety movement, everyone can agree that human errors do occur in the treatment of patients. In order to improve  patient safety, healthcare providers and facilities must continue to find ways to implement new initiatives that improve the overall quality and safety of the care provided to patients. References AHRQ. (2008). What Exactly Is Patient Safety? Retrieved from Institute of Medicine. (2014). Retrieved from Levin, A. A. (2005). Patient Safety- Rejecting the Status Quo. NC Med J March/April 2005, Volume 66, Number 2. Retrieved from National Patient Safety Foundation. (2014). Key Facts About Patient Safety. Retrieved from Pozgar, G.D. (2012). Legal Aspects of Health Care Administration (11th ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones Bartlett Learning, LLC The Patient Safety Movement. (2013). Challenges Solutions. Retrieved from

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

What Is An Underclass Sociology Essay

What Is An Underclass Sociology Essay In the social sciences, not many theses have been as contentious as the underclass thesis. Nevertheless, whether as a heuristic device to study society or as a target of ideological or academic attack, the underclass thesis has been used a focus of attention by a wide spectrum of researchers, politicians and journalists. In post-industrial societies the debate on the existence, nature and causes of the underclass has been raging on for decades. There is a plethora of ideological, policy, ontological and methodological disputes around it. People who are at the bottom of a society having become victims of poverty trap. This class is largely composed of the young unemployed, long-unemployed, chronically-sick, disabled, old, or single-parent (usually the mother) families. It also includes those who are systematically excluded from participation in legitimate economic activities, such as cultural, ethnic, or religious minorities or illegal immigrants. Children of the underclass (especially those from single-parent families) often lack educational qualifications and social and other skills and are, therefore, unable to rise out of it. Readmore: REFERENCES The evident growth of society has been plagued by radical changes that attempt to explain part of certain sectors of society and their behavioural tendencies in order to understand their influences and attempt to resolve social problems. To solve any social problems begins with a definitive role to define and name it, thereby build social responses that are geared to address the defining issues. Within this discussion the description of what is defined as an underclass is vital to the argument, there appears to be little consent about whether or not the term should be used. It derived in the United States and first came into Britain in the 1960s by the 1980s Field (1989) and Murray had adopted the term but recognised the difficulty of defining what it constituted. Conclusion The issue of defining a version of poverty as the underclass fails to justify its correlation with why a large number of youth offend. The mere comparison alone is enough to bring those socially disadvantaged to be rebellious because of the association with that implication. Therefore their behaviour and situations begin to be influence the way they interact with society. The association of hoodies with youth offenders has already resulted in society treating them in a hostile way. The result is even those who do wear hoodies are now tarnished with the same brush and with suspicion. Society views them as hostile delinquents and therefore their future is now being affected by the way they look rather than the content of their character. There are no situations where we can justify calling part of the same society we live in by under-rating them with such derogatory term. While we may continue to use the term underclass in our social explanations, it will be to justify the explanation for our cause rather than to address the real underlying issues of a degree of poverty. The behaviour of youth offenders is more to do with a lack of resources to improve their status, which in turn results in social poverty brought on by their exclusion to the very society they live in. We cannot continue to label part of our society to justify economic or political explanations anymore. Radical decisions have to be implemented to address those under-privileged by whatever circumstances, than to continue to give them a new name, which will not solve the problem but excaebarate it. WHAT IS AN UNDERCLASS? AND WHAT, IF ANY, IS ITS CONNECTION WITH GROUP OFFENDING? In the social sciences, not many theses have been as contentious as the underclass thesis. Nevertheless, whether as a heuristic device to study society or as a target of ideological or academic attack, the underclass thesis has been used a focus of attention by a wide spectrum of researchers, politicians and journalists. In post-industrial societies the debate on the existence, nature and causes of the underclass has been raging on for decades. There is a plethora of ideological, policy, ontological and methodological disputes around it. People who are at the bottom of a society having become victims of poverty trap. This class is largely composed of the young unemployed, long-unemployed, chronically-sick, disabled, old, or single-parent (usually the mother) families. It also includes those who are systematically excluded from participation in legitimate economic activities, such as cultural, ethnic, or religious minorities or illegal immigrants. Children of the underclass (especially those from single-parent families) often lack educational qualifications and social and other skills and are, therefore, unable to rise out of it. Readmore: REFERENCES The evident growth of society has been plagued by radical changes that attempt to explain part of certain sectors of society and their behavioural tendencies in order to understand their influences and attempt to resolve social problems. To solve any social problems begins with a definitive role to define and name it, thereby build social responses that are geared to address the defining issues. Within this discussion the description of what is defined as an underclass is vital to the argument, there appears to be little consent about whether or not the term should be used. It derived in the United States and first came into Britain in the 1960s by the 1980s Field (1989) and Murray had adopted the term but recognised the difficulty of defining what it constituted. Conclusion The issue of defining a version of poverty as the underclass fails to justify its correlation with why a large number of youth offend. The mere comparison alone is enough to bring those socially disadvantaged to be rebellious because of the association with that implication. Therefore their behaviour and situations begin to be influence the way they interact with society. The association of hoodies with youth offenders has already resulted in society treating them in a hostile way. The result is even those who do wear hoodies are now tarnished with the same brush and with suspicion. Society views them as hostile delinquents and therefore their future is now being affected by the way they look rather than the content of their character. There are no situations where we can justify calling part of the same society we live in by under-rating them with such derogatory term. While we may continue to use the term underclass in our social explanations, it will be to justify the explanation for our cause rather than to address the real underlying issues of a degree of poverty. The behaviour of youth offenders is more to do with a lack of resources to improve their status, which in turn results in social poverty brought on by their exclusion to the very society they live in. We cannot continue to label part of our society to justify economic or political explanations anymore. Radical decisions have to be implemented to address those under-privileged by whatever circumstances, than to continue to give them a new name, which will not solve the problem but excaebarate it. The evident growth of society has been plagued by social and economic changes that attempt to explain part of certain sectors of societal segregation and their behavioural tendencies in order to understand their influences and attempt to resolve problems that affect those segments. To solve any social problems begins with a definitive role to name and then define underclass, thereby build social policies and responses that are geared to address the underlying issues. According to Bullock and Young (2002) the full scale of a problem can only be defined after a universal definition. According to Jencks version (1992), he refers to underclass as composed of people who lack the social and cultural skills required to deal with mainstream institutions. Hereby begins the use of multitude of criteria to rank one another usually being based on their income, cultural skills and social behaviour. In order to bring some form of sense to the word underclass, Charles Murray explains that its formation is based on three issues. These are crime, dropping out of the labour market and illegitimacy (IEA, 1999). My report attempts to examine underclass referring much to Charles Murrays report on (1989) and assesses whether there may be any correlation with group offending, in particular the youths. He refers to underclass not as a degree of poverty, but a type of poverty and thereby agrees with Jencks in that poverty may be a necessary condition in establishing an individual as a member of the underclass. Definition of underclass and youth offending By beginning to understand underclass, is to begin to distinguish the mindset of the poor and to explain the breakdown of law and order within their segment. The current literature has associated the definition of underclass and places emphasises either on the persistence of poverty or the number of people in neighbourhoods where the incidences of poverty or dysfunctional behaviour is high (Mincy et al, 1990). Murray goes further to address that poverty is mostly concentrated in the lowest social class and is drastically reduced among the middle and upper class and therefore crime is used to define poverty by social class. Youth offending From the 1940s youth delinquency became a common feature in social, academic and political discourses mainly due to welfare reforms. Murray believe these reforms helped the underclass to develop within UK.Muncie (2009) defines youth as those aged between ten to seventeen years of age. associates it with the formation base to compare the poor and those especially poor. From Murray t,herefore the definition of the poor further groups them into two, the deserving and the undeserving poor. However this classification does not reflect if The issue of defining a version of poverty as the underclass fails to justify its correlation with why a large number of youth offend. The mere comparison alone is enough to bring those socially disadvantaged to be rebellious because of the sitgma associated with being poor. Social policy dictates it as inhuman to criticise or blame an individual who has fallen on hardships due to misconduct (IEA). Therefore any policies that categorise those less fortunate, whether deserving or undeserving will alter their behaviour thereby influence the way they interact with society. The association of hoodies, for example, with youth offenders has already resulted in society treating them in a hostile way. The result is even those who do wear hoodies are now tarnished with the same brush and with suspicion and contempt. Society views them as hostile delinquents and therefore their future is now being affected by the way they look rather than the content of their character. There are no situations where we can justify calling part of the same society we live in by under-rating them with such derogatory term. While we may continue to use the term underclass in our social explanations, it will be to justify the explanation for our cause rather than to address the real underlying issues of a degree of poverty. The behaviour of youth offenders is more to do with a lack of resources to improve their status, which in turn results in social poverty brought on by their exclusion to the very society they live in. We cannot continue to label part of our society to justify economic or political explanations anymore. Radical decisions have to be implemented to address those under-privileged by whatever circumstances, than to continue to give them a new name, which will not resolve their problems, but excaebarate it.

Godhead :: social issues

Godhead On May 20, 325 AD the world was forever changed. Emperor Constantine called a meeting of the 318 Bishops at Nicea and on that day they instituted one of the greatest flaws of American religion today. This is the doctrine of the Trinity, suggesting the view of the Oneness doctrine, believing on one God and His name being Jesus, is no longer correct. The Trinity doctrine cannot be proven by simply reading the scriptures; it has to be described and explained in detail, before you can begin to see the Trinitarian view. The Trinity doctrine is a doctrine of inference, not a doctrine of fact. If you ever listen or take part in a Oneness verses Trinity debate you will find that as long as they are quoting scriptures the Trinity looses ground. Hence, the doctrine of the Trinity must be â€Å"injected† into the scriptures to prove itself. One man once said â€Å"The Trinity has to be piped into Scripture before it can be piped out.† The best example is: everyone knows you can’t get milk from cotton. But, if you take the cotton and soak it in milk first then you can squeeze the milk from the cotton. In the same sense the Trinity doctrine is like this. Before you can begin to see the Trinity doctrine, someone has to tell you about it and then go to scripture to prove it as fact. By just reading the scriptures first, no one will ever find the Trinity represented, for the scriptures prove the Oneness of Jesus Christ all through the Bible. I do not understand how the doctrine of the Trinity can get around the unity of the Old Testament and New Testament stating the One God facts. Deuteronomy 6:4(NKJV) states: â€Å"Here, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord:†. That sums up the doctrine of the Oneness. But, one instance will not satisfy. Here are just a few of the misconceptions of the Trinity Doctrine that cause it to be in fault: First: â€Å"Elohim† â€Å"Elohim†, meaning "God", is sometimes confused to show the plurality of the Godhead, this is not a correct interpretation. In the Hebrew words are plural in construction but singular in the way that they are used. Also the Hebrew often used plural forms to show majesty or greatness of one person or deity. Even though these are plural words, to say they represent a multiplicity in the Godhead would be wrong.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Essay --

Paper 1 Two psychological theories used for explaining behavior are behaviorism and social learning theory. Although the two both deal with behavior, they focus on slightly unalike components in their efforts to explain why people act the way they do. Behaviorism and social learning theory have convincing sources of support so there is no well-defined response to which one does a superior job at explaining behavior. Behaviorists believe that development is not tied to biologically determined stages. Development results from organization of existing behaviors. There are two categories of learning: classical conditioning and operant conditioning. Classical conditioning focuses on associations linked to involuntary behaviors. Pavlov is the father of modern learning theory. Through his experiment he discovered that an unconditioned stimulus could automatically trigger an involuntary response. For example, a dog was placed in a dark room and a light was turned on. After 30 seconds some food was placed in the dog’s mouth, stimulating the salivation reflex. This procedure was repeated several times- each time the presentation of food was paired with the light. After a while the light, which initially has no relationship to salivation, produced the response itself. The dog has been conditioned to respond to the light. In Pavlov’s terms, the presentation of food was the unconditioned stimul us. The light was a conditioned stimulus; its effect required conditioning. Salivation to the food was called the unconditioned reflex, salivation to the light a conditioned reflex. John Watson was the founder of behaviorism in the Unites States. He extended classical conditioning by accounting for a greater variety of learning. Watson formulated two ... ...avior, some behaviorists believe physical discipline is an operant technique that gains immediate compliance. However, there are other behaviorists who believe that physical discipline does not teach on how to behave. They believe it is better to reward behaviors that are incompatible with the undesired behaviors. Extinction can be a better alternative in some cases. From a social learning theorist perspective, physical discipline is a model of aggressive behavior that the child would observe, learn and use. It could cause long term behavioral problems such as the child might use aggression to resolve conflict in their current or future relationships. It is better to explain to the child what she can do and why so the child internalizes rules. Behaviorists believe in using direct reinforcement. However, social learning theorists believe in vicarious reinforcement.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Cognitive Revolution and Scientific Study of Psychology Essay

The cognitive revolution in psychology was a period during the 1950’s and 1960’s which involved radical changes to two major concepts in psychology which are consciousness and causality. It was also a period that saw to the abolishment of traditional science values of dichotomy and the worship of atomisation in science, replacing reductive micro deterministic views of personhood with holistic top-down view (Overskeid, 2008) The aim of this essay is to give an account of what constitutes the cognitive revolution, and also assess the contributions that the cognitive revolution has made to the scientific study of psychology. The cognitive revolution represents a diametric turn around in the century’s old treatment of mind and consciousness in science, such as the contents of conscious experience, whose subjective qualities were being discarded as mere causal epiphenomena (Sperry 1993). This paradigm shift brought with it alternative beliefs about the ultimate nature of things thereby bringing forth new answers to some of humanities deepest questions. The key assumption of cognitivism is that people have different mental states each of which can lead to a different response. The manipulation of these different states can be described in terms of algorithms all of which has become the defining paradigm of psychology (Sperry 1993) One major contribution that cognitivism had on the study of psychology as a science came in the form of psychological theories. It returned the conditioning theory as well as comparative psychology back to a position where they recognized the there were a number of qualitative differences between the psychological processing of humans and animal (Greenwood, 1999). This is as a result of the empirical prob... Psychology. American psychologist, 47(2), 308-318 Robins R.W, Gosling S.D & Craik R.H (1999) An Empirical Analysis of Trends in Psychology. American psychologists, 54,(2), 117-128 Vosniadou S. (1996) TOWARDS A REVISED COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY FOR NEW ADVANCES IN LEARNING AND INSTRUCTION. Learning and instruction,6( 2), 95-109. Sperry R. (1993) The Impact and Promise of the Cognitive Revolution. American Psychologist 48 (8) 878-885 Overskeid, Geir. (2008, January 1). They should have thought about the consequences: the crisis of cognitivism and a second chance for behavior analysis The Free Library. (2008). Retrieved January 01, 2011 from should have thought about the consequences: the crisis of...-a0175445637 Newell, A., Shaw, J. C., & Simon, H. (1958). Elements of a theory of problem solving. Psychological Review, 84, 231–259.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Biography Og N.V.M Gonzales

The Winds of April. Manila: University of the Philippines Press, 1941. * Seven Hills Away. Denver: Alan Swallow, 1947. * Children of the Ash-Covered Loam and Other Stories. Manila: Benipayo, 1954; Bookmark Filipino Literary Classics, 1992. * Children of the Ash-Covered Loam and Other Stories. Manila: Benipayo, 1954; Bookmark Filipino Literary Classics, 1992. * A Season of Grace. Manila: Benipayo, 1956; Russian translation, 1974; Malaysian translation, 1988; Bookmark Filipino Literary Classics, 1992. * The Bamboo Dancers.Manila: Benipayo, 1957; first published in full in Diliman Review and Manila Times Sunday Magazine (three-part serial); Alan Swallow, 1961; Russian translation, 1964; Manila: Bookmark Filipino Literary Classics, 1992 * Look, Stranger, on this Island Now. Manila: Benipayo, 1963. * Selected Stories. Denver, CO: Alan Swallow, 1964. * Mindoro and Beyond: Twenty-one Stories. Quezon City: University of the Philippines Press, 1981; New Day, 1989 (emended edition). * The Brea d of Salt and Other Stories. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1993; University of the Philippines Press, 1993. * Work on the Mountain.Includes The Father and the Maid, Essays on Filipino Life and Letters and Kalutang: A Filipino in the World, University of the Philippines Press, 1996. * A Novel of Justice: Selected Essays 1968-1994. Manila: National Commission for Culture and the Arts and Anvil (popular edition), 1996. * A Grammar of Dreams and Other Stories. University of the Philippines Press, 1997. * The Winds of April. Reissue, University of the Philippines Press, 1997. N. V. M. Gonzalez once said. A teacher, author, journalist and essayist, Gonzalez is one of the most widely recognized, anthologized and closely studied among Filipino writers.His most notable works include the novels The Winds of April, The Bamboo Dancers and A Season of Grace, short story collections Children of the Ash-Covered Loam and The Bread of Salt and Other Stories and essay collections Work on t he Mountain and The Novel of Justice: Selected Essays. Gonzalez distinctively wrote of the Filipino life, of the Filipino in the world. Gonzalez is himself a Filipino in the world, traversing between the United States and the Philippines and exploring Europe and Asia. The affair of letters Gonzalez created is more than literature.It is the story of a Filipino in the world. It is his story. Nestor Vicente Madali Gonzalez, familiarly known as simply â€Å"N. V. M. ,† was born on September 8, 1915 in Romblon, Romblon and moved to Mindoro at the age of five. The son of a school supervisor and a teacher, Gonzalez helped his father by delivering meat door-to-door. Gonzalez attended Mindoro High School from 1927 to 1930, and although he studied at National University in Manila, he never obtained a degree. While in Manila, Gonzalez wrote for the Philippine Graphic and later edited for the Evening News Magazine and Manila Chronicle.His first published essay appeared in the Philippine Graphic and his first poem in Poetry in 1934. â€Å"For the good of my soul lately I have been reading Jose Rizal and as much as I admire Mr. Rizal's political sentiments, I must say I prefer Gonzalez as a novelist. † -Wallace Stegner, 1950| A Rockefeller Foundation fellowship, awarded to Gonzalez in 1948, allowed the aspiring author to travel to Stanford University in Palo Alto, California and Columbia University in New York City. While at Stanford, Gonzalez attended lectures and classes from many prominent writers, Wallace Stegner and Katherine Anne Porter amongst them.After Gonzalez returned to the Philippines in 1950, he began a long teaching career, beginning with a position at the University of Santo Tomas. Gonzalez also taught at the Philippine Women's University, but it was the lengthy position at the University of the Philippines that gave distinction to Gonzalez's career – as a teacher at the university for 18 years, Gonzalez was only one of two people to tea ch there without holding a degree. Gonzalez hosted the first University of the Philippines writer's workshop with a group who would soon form the Ravens.In addition, Gonzalez made his mark in the writing community as a member of the Board of Advisers of Likhaan: the University of the Philippines Creative Writing Center, founder The Diliman Review and as the first president of the Philippine Writers' Association. Gonzalez continued to teach when he returned to California in the 1960s, serving as a visiting professor at the University of California at Santa Barbara; professor emeritus at California State University, Hayward; and professor at University of California at Los Angeles' Asian American Studies Center and English department.Throughout Gonzalez's teaching career, the author produced 14 books and accumulated many awards along the way. Through these writings, Gonzalez received many prestigious awards, including repeated Palanca Memorial Award for Literature awards, the Jose Riz al Pro Patria Award, and the City of Manila Medal of Honor. In addition, his books became internationally recognized, and his works have been translated into Chinese, German, Russian and Bahasa Indonesian. Gonzalez received an honorary doctorate from the University of the Philippines in 1987 and became its first international writer in residence in 1988.He served as the 1998-1999 Regents Professor at the University of California at Los Angeles and continued to receive distinctions such as the National Artist Award for Literature in 1997 and the Centennial Award for Literature in 1998. In 1990 and 1996, â€Å"N. V. M. Gonzalez Days† were celebrated in San Francisco and Los Angeles, respectively. Despite Gonzalez's travels, he never gave up his Filipino citizenship. Critics feared that Gonzalez would someday settle into the Filipino-American genre of literature, but Gonzalez often pointed out with an all-familiar twinkle in his eye, â€Å"I never left home.True to his word, th e home that shaped Gonzalez's days is present in his writings, from the blossoming of a love story to the culture reflected in an immigrant experience. N. V. M. started his career at the age of 19; 65 years later, he was still creating affairs with letters. He passed away on November 28, 1999, due to kidney complications. He was 84. N. V. M. Gonzalez is remembered as an innovative writer, a dedicated and humble worker and an honest witty friend. He will be dearly missed.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Reservoir Engineering

Reservoir engineering is a branch of petroleum engineering that applies scientific principles to the drainage problems arising during the development and production of oil and gas reservoirs so as to obtain a high economic recovery. The working tools of the reservoir engineer are subsurface geology, applied mathematics, and the basic laws of physics and chemistry governing the behavior of liquid and vapor phases of crude oil, natural gas, and water in reservoir rock. Of particular interest to reservoir engineers is generating accurate reserves estimates for use in financial reporting to the SEC (U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission) and other regulatory bodies. Other job responsibilities include numerical reservoir modeling, production forecasting, well testing, well drilling and workover planning, economic modeling, and PVT analysis of reservoir fluids. They also compile development plans using mathematical models and select accurate tubing size and suitable equipment for their plans and move onto designing â€Å"completions†, which are the part of the well that communicates with the reservoir rock and fluids. Next, they design systems that will help the flow. Of course, it is always important to keep a close eye on the fluid's behavior and its production and managing how a set of different wells might interact with one another. In addition, they have to manage relationships in relation to health, safety and environmental performance. Finally, they must always keep in touch with different departments to ensure the progress is on the right track as well as keeping in touch with the clients and keeping them informed. Reservoir engineers also play a central role in field development planning, recommending appropriate and cost effective reservoir depletion schemes such as waterflooding or gas injection to maximize hydrocarbon recovery. Due to legislative changes in many hydrocarbon producing countries, they are also involved in the design and implementation of carbon sequestration projects in order to minimize the emission of greenhouse gases. Petroleum engineers have historically been one of the highest paid engineering disciplines; this is offset by a tendency for mass layoffs when oil prices decline. Those who have obtained a PhD receive higher salaries. Of course location and assignments influence salary. This is an international activity and many jobs are overseas. Working as a reservoir engineer can take you all over the world. You can be employed at an operating and producing company, engineering consultancies, integrated service providers, or at a specialist drilling contracting company. All work is mainly office-based and working closely with geologists on different oilfield developments. Offshore jobs require ? shift work' which means usually twelve hours on and twelve hours off for two weeks. Then that would be followed by a two or three week break onshore. One interesting fact that I learned is that only a small portion of petroleum engineers are women but that number is increasing due to high demand because of the oil shortages. Working as an engineer, any engineer, can both be physically and mentally tough. You can expect to travel within a working day and you can expect to tell your family that you will be absent for the night from home due to oversea work or travel. This job market is extremely sensitive to fluctuations in oil prices and the status of existing and proposed projects. Overall, it is a tough profession that involves procuring reserves from places that predecessors deemed too difficult or not economic with the technology of the day. Any mistake made in this profession is usually measured in millions of dollars. However, reservoir engineers are held to a very high standard. In comparison, deepwater operations are almost like space travel in terms of how challenging they both are technically. One must put up with arctic conditions or those of extreme heat. In conclusion, petroleum engineering is definitely challenging but always something to consider.